Recorded Data

In this chart we compare the created amount of lift of each wing. Here is shown that the winglets, as we thought, really increased the amount of lift created by the wings. Also we see that the smaller Winglets increased the lift less then the bigger winglets. As we thought in the beginning wing 3 created the most lift, because it has also a curved underside, what creates a bigger area under the wing, so the air has to slow down and what causes a higher pressure under the wing, pushing up the wing, then other wings that have a flat downside. In comparison to the other wing with a curved underside this one seemed to be better because it had full-length winglets, while the other wing just had regional winglets. What surprised us was that wing 2 had at the beginning the biggest lift of all wings and then later creating obviously the lowest amount of lift.

* - Angle of Attack is the angle at what the air hits the wing